Thursday, January 29, 2009

Implicity Defining Cool

While watching The Public Enemy, I did not find the main character to be cool. When contemplating why this supposedly cool person is not cool at all, I began to realize that defining cool directly is very hard. However, it may be easier to define cool through showing what I believe to be cool.

Kindness is a necessary component of cool. Although cool people may be evil or violent, I believe that a person must show kindness to some degree. For example, Dracula is a very evil figure in fiction. However, despite his disregard for most human life, he shows a very complex kindness in the way that he loves Mina. Though, in regards to good people, kindness alone is not enough to be cool. In order to be cool and good simultaneously, kindness is merely a necessary component in the puzzle of cool. Andy Griffith, an incredibly kind and goodhearted man, is not very cool because he lacks any other cool characteristics.

Another characteristic that is required for good people to be cool (and also help evil people be cool) is intelligence. Macgyver is a perfect example of someone that is cool through intelligence. By using his wits, he can solve any situation without resorting to the crude use of firearms. In comparison to Andy Griffith, Macgyver is just as kind and compassionate towards the innocent and attempts to serve justice to wrongdoers. However, the addition of intellect to Macgyver makes him considerably cooler than a Mayberry sheriff.

An additional part of cool that Macgyver, Dracula, and all other cool people share is the ability to lead. A person who exemplifies leadership along with kindness and intellect is Captain Janeway from Star Trek: Voyager. It is difficult to be at a maximum level of cool while following orders. As captain, everyone must follow her orders exactly and without delay. Although other members of her crew like Tuvok may be somewhat cool, Janeway is the coolest person in Star Trek because of her ability to orchestrate her entire crew to perform amazing feats. Another example of a person who is cool through leadership is Barack Obama. Similarly to Captain Janeway, President Obama is cool because he charismatically gained the support of millions of Americans. Now, as a leader, his coolness is remaining because he is acting as an intelligent leader who kindly acts with the voice of the American people. In contrast, President Bush is not a cool person. Although he does have the quality of leadership, he does not act with kindness and intelligence. His speeches are more forceful than fluid, causing a slight bit of intimidation in his voice, and his poor speaking skills create the appearance of a lack of intelligence.

Being such an abstract concept, coolness is hard to discern through a direct explanation through words. The use of examples is almost necessary to show the difference between cool and square.


  1. I agree--I mostly prefer positive attributes being characteristic of 'cool' rather than criminal behavior. I like that you used traditionally considered 'nerdy' examples like MacGyver and Star Trek--it's a nice take on how different people define cool.

    ANDY GRIFFITH! I love that show, and Andy is a great instance where upstanding citizenship and humor trumps coolness. I choose Andy over Tom Powers any day!

  2. I agree that there are multiple characteristics that a person must possess to be cool. Tom Powers may not be cool because he hasno sense of right and wrong, but Andy Griffith is not cool either because he is a total goody two-shoes. It takes a combination to make a truly cool character, such as Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean.

  3. Interesting that you pulled Janeway out of a hat. I love Captain Janeway, and I'd have to say that she is very cool - in a way that it's hard for women to be cool. She's both firm but caring for her crew. It's very hard to walk to the line of Witch (with Capital B of course) and Surrogate Mother.

    I think it's funny that you draw a comparison between Macgyver and Andy - as if Andy ever had a chance!

    Watch the formatting of your pictures. You can make them smaller so that they fit better into your format. If you don't want to do that, you can go the more complicated route and go into your layout and widen your columns.
